
Upper Room Drop-in Center

What is the Upper Room?

The original Upper Room was founded in Bellingham, Washington, in 1993 by Rob Crawford and Scott Duffey. In order to give the homeless and at-risk youth a chance to get back on their feet, the Upper Room was designed to extend a helping hand by providing the much-needed warmth and healing of a home.

Scott Duffey

How are we Involved?

Led by one of the original founders of the Upper Room, Executive Director Scott Duffey, Our Community’s Heart is not only looking to bring the Upper Room back to Bellingham but is also strategically planning to open more Upper Room locations within Whatcom County and beyond. Each Upper Room drop-in center would provide a warm welcome and compassion as well as hot meals, sleeping bags, hot showers, laundry facilities, toiletries, clothing, and social services networking to the youth that desperately need it.

How can you Help?

There are numerous ways you can support our mission and share your heart with us:

  • Write a check and mail it to our PO Box today or donate securely online.
  • Talk with us about any kind of donations/resources you have access to: a building we can rent, food, clothing & sleeping bag donations and even ways you or your organization can help.
  • Pray for success – not just in what “we” do together, but as reflected in changed lives in our community.
  • Offer to volunteer (after a thorough vetting process).

 Someone we grew to trust – Starla’s Testimony.

“I was recently asked by a dear friend to give my testimony regarding the “upper room” run by Scott Duffy and his crew in the 90s.

I will start by saying they eased their way into our lives slowly, starting with giving away free food and talking to us downtown. I think this was genius because we were all from homes where we learned not to trust anyone. We became friends, and then they tried to tackle the situation of getting us kids off the streets to a safe place to hang out, eat, be warm, and socialize. This was not an easy task. We were used to being on Railroad Avenue in the thick of things, but it was a dangerous place for us to be, and they knew that.

Scott Duffy was a friend and youth pastor. He was someone we grew to trust with our lives as were all his people, including his wife Heather, Ingrlisa, and many more. The upper room became a safe haven for us. Scott was there to listen without judgment when we screwed up, did something bad, something that we were ashamed of, or something that scared us. Scott was a good listener. Sometimes, that’s all we really needed. I never heard him complain as he expanded his upper room to include safe lodging for youth downtown.

The upper room was nonprofit and completely manned by these volunteer youth pastors. We could be a rough bunch, but they never gave up on us. They strived to feed, clothe, lodge, and care for us selflessly.

I shudder to think what could have happened to me during those years had I not had that safe haven and support. I had already been exposed to literally everything you could think of at the age of 14.

I wish I could thank every one of them for keeping us safe and warm and loved. Their selfless actions probably saved countless lives.”

By the grace of God, I am alive today – Zach’s Testimony.

Greetings, my name is Zach Joy.

In the early to mid-90s, I was running and gunning on the streets of downtown Bellingham. I was hooked on Meth and heroin, and cocaine. I was an I.V. user.

I met Scott downtown, and he told me of the Upper Room. I was a bit older, so Scott would meet me after hours and allow me to get something to eat and to come get warm with the facility and Christ’s love. Scott was special to me because he loved me exactly where I was at. I am so lucky to have experienced Scott and to get to know him. He helped me numerous times as well as the many people I brought around. He prayed with me, and for me, he was in my life when my second child was born. He loved on me in a manner that cut right through the walls the trauma of living on the streets created. There were seeds planted, and others watered, and by the grace of God, I am alive today. I have been made new for around 20 years.

Today, I wake up and look to the Scripture to give me encouragement to share. I put my lamp lit fully and am able to put it high up on my lamppost to illuminate God’s love and my truth. I will be forever grateful to Scott and the services provided by the upper room.

We are excited to connect with our community’s youth to Love them where they are and advocate for those who are willing to walk it out from the streets to the community. Today, I have 20 years off all the horrible drugs and 20 years following Jesus. I am so blessed to be able to share my story and help others. I am able to honestly say that without Scott in my life and the community of the Upper Room, the hope would have been extinguished, as well as my life. Thank you, Scott, for your sacrifice and your heart. God side …”

Testimonials From Upper Room “Graduates”

“I shudder to think what could have happened to me during those years had I not had that safe haven and support. I had already been exposed to literally everything you could think of at the age of 14.”

“I know that it’s the love of their Upper Room staff that kept me from going to prison.”

“We really need to thank Scott and the staff for everything. Be grateful that there is someone to talk to about our problems. Thank you for everything Scott… “God bless you.”

“I wish I could thank every one of you for keeping us safe and warm and loved. Your selfless actions probably saved countless lives.”

Contact Us

Our Community’s Heart

PO Box 90

Lynden, WA 98264

(360) 815-2499
